[Tex/LaTex] Make yComb plot start at zero


I currently use this code to create a plot:

        \addplot[ycomb,mark=*] coordinates  {(0, 13) (1, 12) (2, 11) (3, 13) (4, 13) (5, 13) (6, 12) (7, 12) (8, 12) (9, 14)};

It looks like this:

While this kind of representation is great for showing the difference between the individual data points, this is entirely irrelevant for what I want to show. The point of this plot is to show that the data points are close together. I want the y axis to start at zero. How can this be done?

Best Answer

Use ymin = 0 as an option to the axis

\documentclass[border = 5pt]{standalone}



    \addplot[ycomb,mark=*] coordinates  {(0, 13) (1, 12) (2, 11) (3, 13) (4, 13) (5, 13) (6, 12) (7, 12) (8, 12) (9, 14)};


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