[Tex/LaTex] Make titlepage one-sided (centered) while all other pages are two-sided


I am using scrbook to write a small paper. I am trying to create a title page which displays its contents (title, author, institution) with a one-sided layout, while all other pages should use a two-sided layout. I couldn't come up with an easy solution. I use the following macro to define my title page:

    \date{City, den \today}

    \titlehead {


I'd like to stick with that macro if possible. Is there a simple command to switch from a onesided layout to a twosided layout? Something like \oneside? I didn't find such a command. My documentclass is configured as follows:

, 12pt
, titlepage
, toc=listofnumbered
, bibliography=totoc

Best Answer

Please provide full examples.

Do you use the package geometry?

Here a solution with KOMA:

, 12pt
, titlepage
, toc=listofnumbered
, bibliography=totoc
,  demo
\KOMAoptions{twoside = false}
    \date{City, den \today}

    \titlehead {



