[Tex/LaTex] Make the multicolumns in a row equally sized


I have some big tables and I want to know how it is possible to make the columns in a row all equally sized. You can see in the row 'Intra Prediciton' that the column with the content 'I_PCM' is bigger than the others in its row. Same with '16×8' and '8×8' in the next row. Is it possible to fix that?

Here the image:


I also appreciate other suggestions how to improve the tables.

heres the mess …

    \newcolumntype{Y}{>{\columncolor[gray]{.8} } c|}
    \newcolumntype{N}{>{\columncolor[gray]{.8} \color{gray}}  c|}

%Spaltenzahl 8
% \color{gray} \color{lightgray} %\rowcolor{hellgrau} \cellcolor{dunkelgrau} 
    \begin{tabular}{|       >{\color{white}  \columncolor[gray]{.2}[.5\tabcolsep]}      c       |       >{\columncolor[gray]{.8}[.5\tabcolsep]}     c        |      >{\columncolor[gray]{.8}[.5\tabcolsep]}     c       |       >{ \columncolor[gray]{.8}[.5\tabcolsep]}        c   |       >{ \columncolor[gray]{.8}[.5\tabcolsep]}        c   |       >{ \columncolor[gray]{.8}[.5\tabcolsep]}        c       |   >{ \columncolor[gray]{.8}[.5\tabcolsep]}        c   |   >{ \columncolor[gray]{.8}[.5\tabcolsep]}        c    } 
Bildverfahren                                                   &           \multicolumn{3}{Y}{progressive}     &  \multicolumn{3}{Y} {interlaced } \\  
Frames/Slices                                                   &       \multicolumn{2}{Y}{I}       &       \multicolumn{2}{Y}{P}       &   \multicolumn{2}{Y}{B}       \\
 Slices                                                                             & \multicolumn{3}{N}{nein}   &  \multicolumn{3}{Y}{ja}  \\ 
Transformation                                              & \multicolumn{2}{N}{8x8 DCT}       & \multicolumn{2}{Y}{8x8 IDCT} & \multicolumn{2}{Y}{4x4 IDCT} \\
Adaptive Quantization                   & \multicolumn{2}{N}{nein} & \multicolumn{2}{N}{Lumi} & \multicolumn{2}{Y}{Variance} \\
Max. Ref Frames                                         & \multicolumn{3}{N} {keine} & \multicolumn{3}{Y}{16} \\
B-Pyramid                                                               &\multicolumn{3}{N} {nein} & \multicolumn{3}{Y} {ja} \\
Loop-Filter                                                                 & \multicolumn{3}{N} {nein} & \multicolumn{3}{Y} {ja} \\
Entropiekodierung                                   & \multicolumn{3}{Y} {CAVLC} &  \multicolumn{3}{Y}{CABAC} \\
SubPixel ME                                                         &  \multicolumn{2}{N} {nein} & \multicolumn{2}{N} {halb} &  \multicolumn{2}{Y}{viertel} \\
Intra Prediction                                                & \multicolumn{1}{N} {nein} & \multicolumn{1}{Y}{16x16} & \multicolumn{1}{Y}{8x8} &  \multicolumn{1}{Y}{4x4}  &\multicolumn{2}{Y}{ I\_PCM}\\
MB-Partitionierung                                  & \multicolumn{1}{Y}{16 x 16} & \multicolumn{1}{Y}{8x16} & \multicolumn{2}{Y}{16x8} & \multicolumn{2}{Y}{8x8} \\
SubMB-Partitionierung                   & \multicolumn{1}{N}{nein} & \multicolumn{1}{Y}{8x8} & \multicolumn{1}{Y}{4x8} & \multicolumn{1}{Y}{8x4} & \multicolumn{2}{Y}{4x4} \\
%Intra Prediction & \color{gray} nein  & 16×16 & 8×8 &  4×4  \\
Farb-Sampling                                                   &           \multicolumn{2}{Y}{4:0:0}       & \multicolumn{2}{Y}{4:2:0} &  \multicolumn{1}{Y}{4:2:2} &  \multicolumn{1}{Y}{4:4:4} \\
Bit-Tiefe                                                                       & \multicolumn{1}{Y}{8}  & \multicolumn{2}{Y}{8 bis 10} & \multicolumn{2}{Y}{8 bis 12} & \multicolumn{1}{Y}{8 bis 14} \\
Error Prevention /Handling  &  \multicolumn{3}{N} {nein} &\multicolumn{3}{Y}{ja} \\
Level/Profile                                                       &  \multicolumn{3}{N} {nein} &\multicolumn{3}{Y}{ja} \\


Isn't that cool? Used tablet now…
my cool table

Unfortunately the vrules are sometimes not so beautiful. You see it when comparing the last two lines. Should I color the table?

Best Answer

Even though I don't like the layout you are trying to produce, since I think it is very confusing for the reader, here is some coding that will produce equally spaced cells in a particular column.

Sample outptu


\newcommand{\tabelt}[1]{\hfil\hbox to 0pt{\hss #1 \hss}\hfil}


\begin{tabular}{|c|@{}>{\hbox to 9cm\bgroup}{c}<{\egroup}@{}|}
x and z&\tabelt{A}\vrule\tabelt{XX}\vrule\tabelt{ZZZ}\strut\\
yy or pp&\tabelt{BBB}\vrule\tabelt{C}\vrule\tabelt{DD}\vrule\tabelt{P}\strut\\


If the row has a non-standard height, then the final \strut will have to be replaced by an appropriate version of \vrule width 0pt height 14pt depth 4pt.

The basic idea of the code is that \tabelt produces a variable width box with its contents centered, but of zero width. To make the first and last boxes correct, the table specification includes @{} to kill spacing added between columns. To prevent everything collapsing the width of the column is specified.

A similar idea will work in \multicolumn:

Multicol output


\newcommand{\tabelt}[1]{\hfil\hbox to 0pt{\hss #1 \hss}\hfil}


  First line & Some interesting random column text & and more & and more\\
  Second line&\multicolumn{3}{>{\unskip}{c}<{}@{}|}{\tabelt{BBB}\vrule\tabelt{C}\vrule\tabelt{DD}\vrule\tabelt{P}}\\


Here will kill extra spacing at the beginning with \unksip and the \strut is no longer necessary.

Update: Usage with colortbl

The first solution works with colortbl with very little modification:

Version 1 with colour


\newcommand{\tabelt}[1]{\hfil\hbox to 0pt{\hss #1 \hss}\hfil}


  \hbox to 9cm\bgroup\color[gray]{0.7}}{c}<{\egroup}@{}|}
  x and z&\tabelt{A}\vrule\tabelt{\color{black}XX}\vrule\tabelt{ZZZ}\strut\\
  yy or pp&\tabelt{\color{black}BBB}\vrule\tabelt{C}%


For the second version, using \multicolumn, one has adjust the code some what, since colortbl produces its alignments uses fills instead of fils (in attempt to stop the user doing what we are trying to do :-) :

Version 2 with colour



\newcommand{\tabelt}[1]{\hfill\hbox to 0pt{\hss #1 \hss}\hfill}


\begin{tabular}{|>{\columncolor{red} \color{white}}c|%
  First line & Some interesting random column text & and more & and more\\
  Second line&\multicolumn{3}{>{\unkern\unskip%

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