[Tex/LaTex] Make items disappear in beamer presentations


I want to show three items to evaluate the features of each one and then select one of them, so I need to show all of them first and then I need that two of them disappear, or at list become transparent. How can I do that?

Edit: (by Sigur)

Those answers were really helpful, but I have 3 items with several subitems in 3 columns. The method number 2 works with the subitems, but when I try to use it with the items, the tex has errors (missing } or \endgroup).

This is the code:

%   \vspace{4pt}
            \item<1> Item1:
                    \item<1> \footnotesize{Subitem1}
                    \item<1> \footnotesize{Subitem2}
            \item<1-2> Item2:
                    \item<1-2> \footnotesize{Subitem1}
                    \item<1-2> \footnotesize{Subitem2}
            \item<1> Item3:
                    \item<1> \footnotesize{Subitem1}
                    \item<1> \footnotesize{Subitem2}

The new code:

    Antena para recepción APT
            \item<1> Antena Yagi:
                \item<1>[\color{red}\ding{55}] \footnotesize{Requiere un sistema de seguimiento por ser directiva.}
                \item<1>[\color{verde}\ding{51}] \footnotesize{Ganancia alta ($>$10 dB). Incrementable si se añaden más elementos.}
                \item<1>[\color{red}{\ding{55}}] \footnotesize{Polarización lineal.}
                \item<1>[\color{red}{\ding{55}}] \footnotesize{Gran tamaño y carga al viento.}

            \item<1-2> Antena QHA:
                \item<1-2>[\color{verde}\ding{51}] \footnotesize{No se necesita un sistema de seguimiento al ser poco directiva.} 
                \item<1-2>[\color{red}{\ding{55}}] \footnotesize{Ganancia baja ($<$5 dB).} 
                \item<1-2>[\color{verde}\ding{51}] \footnotesize{Polarización circular.}
                \item<1-2>[\color{verde}\ding{51}] \footnotesize{Anchura reducida.}

            \item<1> Antena DCA:
                \item<1>[\color{verde}\ding{51}] \footnotesize{No se necesita un sistema de seguimiento al ser poco directiva.}
                \item<1>[\color{red}{\ding{55}}] \footnotesize{Ganancia baja (Entre 4 y 6 dB).}  

Best Answer

Just specify the slides on which you want things to appear.

Method 1: Relative Overlay Specifications

        \item<+> First

+ increments the overlay count which beamer uses to track things. . specifies the current slide. n-m specifies a range i.e. slides n to m inclusive. n and m can be numbers (absolute specifications e.g. slide 1 or slide 3) or variations on the +, . etc. (relative specifications e.g. this slide . or the next slide +). +(n) tells beamer to increment the count and add n. n may be negative or positive.

So the above increments the count, putting the first item on slide 1 (as opposed to 0 which would not be shown); shows the second item from the current slide which is now 1 to the next slide 2; and finally shows the third item on slide 1 (because the + increments the number to 3 but the (-2) decreases it by 2 and 3-2=1).

Method 2: Absolute Overlay Specifications

For simple cases, it is often easier to just tell beamer which slides to use directly rather than worrying about relative specifications. For example, the following is equivalent to the above:

        \item<1> First



If you would prefer to show the covered items as transparent simply add


to your preamble. For example:

        \item<1> First

With transparency

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