[Tex/LaTex] Make an exam format with a logo


I am trying to make a header of an exam page but with logo. Below is my code.



\chead{Department of Mathematics}

Question one


I am trying to make something like
enter image description here

But my code does not give a desired output. I have little clue why my code is not working. I am wondering how can I fix the code.

Helps are really appreciated. Many thanks!

Best Answer

Let us add some spice! Here is a not so minimal template which you can adjust to have another design with some bling.

\hyphenpenalty 10000
\renewcommand\ULthickness{2pt}   %%---> For changing thickness of underline
\setlength\ULdepth{1.5ex}%\maxdimen ---> For changing depth of underline

\ifcontinuation{\footnotesize Question \ContinuedQuestion\ continues\ldots}{}%
\runningheader{\footnotesize Physcis}
{\footnotesize Physics --- Sixth semester}
{\footnotesize Page \thepage\ of \numpages}
\footer{\footnotesize Student's name:}
{\ifincomplete{\footnotesize Question \IncompleteQuestion\ continues
on the next page\ldots}{\iflastpage{\footnotesize End of exam}{\footnotesize Please go on to the next page\ldots}}}
%% \thispagestyle{empty}
 {\large \bfseries DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS \par
 \Large Institute\\[2pt]
 \large Subject {(\normalsize Sixth semester)}  \par}
%  \vspace{0.5cm}
{\bfseries Your name}\\
{\footnotesize Date: {17.01.2013}}
\uline{Time: 1 hour   \hfill \normalsize\emph{\underline{Internal Assessment test - I}} \hfill        Maximum Marks: 20}

% \marginpointname{mark}
Some question here
Some question here
Some question here
Some question here
Some question here


enter image description here

enter image description here

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