Bibliographies – Main Reference and Appendix with ‘Other Sources’


I need your help with references. I have 1 main reference section, and I want to include a second list of references as an appendix. For the main reference I use:




The problem is that I don't know how to include the second list using a different bib file, and then calling the function \nocite{*} to show every sources inside the file.

I have the appendix part workout. I need your help to design the function to call the second bibliography, and that does't interfere with the main reference:



\section{Other Sources} \label{app:ReferencesB}

In addition, I will prefer that the word References is not shown after Other Sources.

Thank you so much!!

Best Answer

You can use the multibib package. Basically, you load the package and use \newcites for the bibliography in the appendix:

\newcites{sec}{Other Sources}

and then, at the point where you want this bibliography, you use


A little complete example illustrating the general idea:

  author = "L\^e D{\~u}ng Trang and Zoghman Mebkhout",
   title = "Vari\'et\'es caract\'er\-istiques et vari\'et\'es polaires",
 journal = "C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris",
  volume = 296,
    year = 1983,
   pages = "129--132"}

  author = "Jo{\"e}l Biran{\c c}on and Philippe Maisonobe and Michel Merle",
   title = "Localisation de syst\`emes diff\'erentiels, stratifications
            de {W}hitney et condition de {T}hom",
 journal = "Invent. Math.",
  volume = 117,
    year = 1994,
   pages = "531--550"}
  author = "Adam Parusi\'nski and Piotr Pragacz",
   title = "A formula for the {E}uler characteristic of singular hypersurfaces",
 journal = "J. Alg. Geom.",
  volume = 4,
    year = 1995,
   pages = "337-351"}

  author = "Jean--Luc Brylinski",
   title = "({C}o)--{H}omologie d'intersection et faisceaux pervers",
 journal = "S\'eminaire Bourbaki",
  volume = 585,
    year = 1982,
   pages = "129--157"}

  author = "Gary Kennedy",
   title = "Specialization of {M}ac{P}herson's {C}hern classes",
 journal = "Math. Scand.",
  volume = 66,
    year = 1990,
   pages = "12--16"}

  author = "Adam Parusi\'nski",
   title = "A generalization of the {M}ilnor number",
 journal = "Math. Ann.",
  volume = 281,
    year = 1988,
   pages = "247--254"}

\newcites{sec}{Other Sources}




The main bibliography:

enter image description here

The bibliography in the appendix:

enter image description here

Assuming your .tex document is called mydoc.tex, you need to process the document in the following way:

pdflatex mydoc
bibtex mydic
bibtex sec
pdflatex mydoc
pdflatex mydoc

Switching to biblatex for your bibliographies could be a choice here or in future documents. Using the features of biblatex, this kind of things are more easily done and your bibliographies will be better.