[Tex/LaTex] MacTeX 2019 gives “! LaTeX3 Error: Control sequence \not= already defined.”


I have a document, that compiles fine on MacTeX 2017, which is installed on my desktop machine. I now installed MacTeX 2019 on my laptop and get this cryptic error:


! LaTeX3 Error: Control sequence \not= already defined.

For immediate help type H <return>.

l.3954 \NewNegationCommand { = }    { \neq   }


Does anyone understand what this is about?






$ latexmk -pdf -lualatex test.tex

! LaTeX3 Error: Control sequence \not= already defined.

For immediate help type H <return>.

l.3954 \NewNegationCommand { = }    { \neq   }


Best Answer

The example fails also on my TeX Live (MacTeX) 2017, probably because of updates you didn't apply.

The problem is simple: you are using too many math font packages. Loading newtxmath before ebgaramond-maths is recommended, because the latter only acts on the operators and letters math groups, not on symbols and largesymbols.

If you load unicode-math, all these settings to math fonts will be completely discarded and you'd get Latin Modern Math.

If you add

abc+\int f(x)\,dx

to your test document and compile skipping past the errors, you get

enter image description here

Removing \usepackage{unicode-math} not only removes the errors, but produces

enter image description here

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