[Tex/LaTex] MacTeX 2014 installation failed – no software found to install


I'm having trouble installing MacTeX 2014 after I've uninstalled 2013 on my Mac. Whenever I try to install, I get the following error clicking Install.


I've tried to only install TeXLive-2014 and skip GhostScript and the GUI application, but that didn't help


the same also happens if I try to only install either GhostScript or the GUI Applications.

I also tried downloading the MacTeX version from the Torrent, but I'm getting the same result. The exact version I'm trying is mactex-20140525.pkg

Best Answer

It sounds really odd, but for some reason the MacTeX file can be corrupted through non-Safari browsers. Try downloading the file again but this time in the Safari browser.

I've run into this problem before, and just ran into it again now. However, this fix has now worked for me twice on two different computers and at two different times.

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