[Tex/LaTex] lualatex: Need help with using different fonts


I could need some start-up aid with using fonts in lualatex. I have 3 questions (sorry):

A) I want to use a nice mainfont for normal text. The lmodern-default was nice with pdflatex, but the default now looks ugly: the f's overlap, see MWE and output. Seems not to be a ligature issue (I don't want to use ligatures at all!)

Update (solved): I'm a german writer, and I don't see ligatures anywhere in german texts, so I want to disable them in mine, too, of course. The link from phg (https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/103242/14066) does the trick!

\defaultfontfeatures{Ligatures={NoCommon, NoRequired, NoContextual, NoHistoric, NoDiscretionary}}
\setmainfont{Latin Modern Roman}

microtype-package with command \DisableLigatures[f]{ encoding = * } + babel-package doesn't give the expected output.

The selnolig-package with commands \nolig{f[fil]}{f|x} \nolig{Th}{T|h} also works.

B) Besides the mainfont I want something highlightning for musical compositions.

Update: To set this right: I want to have my default font in \textsc, slightly slanted (\textsl?) and with small letterspacing. I'm not sure, if I can use microtype for this. I've tried it, but it doesn't change the letterspacing. Also it didn't work to combine \textsc and \textsl.

C) I need to write a lot of musical symbols, that's why I switched to lualatex, so I can embed music fonts. But if I try it, I can't get it to work.
I've tried it with BravuraText, found here: http://www.smufl.org/fonts.
The funny fact is, that I can't see any of the written letters in the output, and I can't see the font properly in the Win7-character map (charmap), but I can see it in OpenWriter…

Update (solved): Thx to Will Robertson, Bernard (see answers) and Thérèse.

fontforge or fontmatrix can be used to inspect the font.

The best things about B) and C) would be, if I could use simple commands like \composition{Brandenburgische Konzerte} and \fortissimo.



asdfff asf aft afft



enter image description here

Best Answer

As mentioned by Bernard, the only good way to access the music glyphs in this font is to ask for them by glyph slot. Depending on your use-case, it will probably make most sense to write a macro to simplify this to some degree; I'd recommend something like:


\newcommand\musicwholenote    {\char"1D15D\relax}
\newcommand\musichalfnote     {\char"1D15E\relax}
\newcommand\musicquarternote  {\char"1D15F\relax}
\newcommand\musiceighthnote   {\char"1D160\relax}

\newcommand\music[1]{{\musicfont \csname music#1\endcsname}}

hello \music{wholenote} \music{halfnote} \music{quarternote} \music{eighthnote}\music{sixteenthnote}

Note you choose whichever text font you wish with \setmainfont, and then the music symbols come explicitly from Bravura.

If you end up writing a significant number of glyph definitions, I recommend somehow sharing that information to help other people in the same situation. For example, you could add this font to TeX Live (it's free enough, I believe) and provide a package that has the named glyph slot definitions.

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