[Tex/LaTex] Lua code with Tikz


Is there a reason why the code below leads to the error:

! Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
<to be read again> 
l.16 ...t [domain=-.1:.1,samples = 100] (\x,{G(\x)})

function G (x) 
    return (-(x^2)/3)
\edef\pgfmathresult{\directlua{tex.print("" .. G(#1))}}%  
\draw [blue]  plot [domain=-.1:.1,samples = 100] (\x,{G(\x)});

Best Answer

If you modify the function to

\edef\pgfmathresult{\directlua{tex.print("" .. G(#1))}}%  

then the plot plots the (wrong:-) function without error but you get to see what you were plotting. The first few values are OK but then:

> \pgfmathresult=macro:

Presumably pgf isn't expecting the e notation. Presumably lua has some number formatting functions to prevent it using that notation?

edit ah yes:

\edef\pgfmathresult{\directlua{tex.print(string.format("\@percentchar f",G(#1)))}}%  
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