[Tex/LaTex] lstlisting in a box


My problem is that I am trying to write a document with coloured sections for examples. Examples can contain code listings. Somehow I can't seem to combine a background colouring with a listing, or even verbatim.

An example of what I tried is this:

An example text

\begin{lstlisting}[frame=single,language=XML,caption=A Fibonaci example\label{code:fibonaci}]

Some more text

Any ideas are appreciated!

Best Answer

Please always post complete documents showing packages used. The problem is that you can not use verbatim like constructs in the argument of a macro like \colorbox. lrbox environment was introduced for this reason

enter image description here


An example text

\begin{lstlisting}[frame=single,language=XML,caption=A Fibonaci example\label{code:fibonaci}]

Some more text

