[Tex/LaTex] lost symbols with unicode-math


I am trying to typeset my text and math latin/greek in Georgia, and digits (math mode) in Neo Euler.

I am using XeLaTeX with unicode-math. MWE below loses ldots, also the star and minus operators, and instead of {,} I get Euler's f and g. Also, no mathbf. Any pointers?


\setmathfont[range=\mathup/{num}, bold-style=TeX]{Neo Euler}

    Answer: $(1+00)^*=\{1, \mathbf{00}, 001, 100, 10000, \ldots \}$\\
    and $b^2= 22 \times 22$, whereas $\alpha-\epsilon=90^\circ$.

Example results in loss of symbols

MikTeX 2.9, fontspec 2013/02/25 v2.3, unicode-math 2013/05/04 v0.7e.

Best Answer

You're not defining a main math font.


\setmathfont{Neo Euler}

Answer: $(1+00)^*=\{1, \mathbf{00}, 001, 100, 10000, \ldots \}$\\
and $b^2= 22 \times 22$, whereas $\alpha-\epsilon=90^\circ$.

enter image description here

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