[Tex/LaTex] Looking for the bibliography style used by the journal Econometric Theory


I am looking for a bibliography style (.bst file) that looks like the one at the bottom of the second column on this webpage http://korora.econ.yale.edu/et/policy/guidelines.pdf?jid=ECT. Copied here,

Bergstrom, A.R. (1976) Statistical Inference in Continuous Time Economic Models. North-Holland.

Giraitis, L. & D. Surgailis (1986) Multivariate Appell polynomials and the central limit theorem. In E. Eberlein & M.S. Taqqu (eds.),
Dependence in Probability and Statistics: A Survey of Recent Results, pp. 21–72.

Birkhauser. Gregory, A.W. & G.W. Smith (1995) Business cycle theory and econometrics. Economic Journal 105, 1597–1608.

I have searched on the webpages linked by this question (Where can I find collections of bibliography styles?) and cannot find it.

Here is an example,

\bibliographystyle{agsm} %I would like a .bst file to insert here instead of agsm.

Edit: I landed up using latx makebst as suggested in the comments.

Best Answer

Even if you have already found a solution, I'd like to show a possible one with BibLaTeX.

I invented the .bib file and the solution is unsophisticated (for example the unpublished entry should be improved to avoid the warning), but I think it could give you an idea.

        title={{Statistical Inference in Continuous Time Economic Models}}, 
        author={Bergstrom, Albert Rex}, 
        author={Giraitis, L and Surgailis, D},
        title={Multivariate Appell polynomials and the central limit theorem},
        editor={Eberlein, E. and M. S. Taqqu},
        booktitle={Dependence in Probability and Statistics: A Survey of Recent Results},
        title={Business cycle theory and econometrics},
        author={Gregory, Allan W and Smith, Gregor W},
        journal={Economic Journal},
        title={On the limits
            of GLM for specification testing: A
            comment on Gurmu and Trivedi},
        author={Wooldridge, J. M.},
        journal={Econometric Theory},
        year={in press}



\usepackage[style=authoryear, natbib=true, backend=biber,firstinits=true]{biblatex}

% "&" instead of "and"

\renewcommand{\labelnamepunct}{\addspace}% no dot after the year

% titles without ""

\DeclareFieldFormat[article]{pages}{#1}% no pp. in articles

\renewbibmacro{in:}{}% no in before journal title 

\renewcommand*{\bibinitdelim}{}% no space between name initials

% editor in lowercase
    editor = {\lowercase{ed}\adddot},%
    editors = {\lowercase{eds}\adddot},%

% editor before collection title (I've find this code here: http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/173663/101651 and I've modified it a little, hence maybe I did something wrong :) )
\renewbibmacro*{editorstrg}{%from biblatex.def
                test {\ifnumgreater{\value{editor}}{1}}
                test {\ifandothers{editor}}
                    test {\ifnumgreater{\value{editor}}{1}}
                    test {\ifandothers{editor}}

\renewbibmacro*{byeditor+others}{%from biblatex.def

\DeclareBibliographyDriver{incollection}{%from standard.bbx

% Bibliography Driver for unpublished items (improvements are welcomed)






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