[Tex/LaTex] Looking for Gummi for Windows


So as some of you are probably aware of the original website for the Gummi LaTeX editor has gone down. Now a recent fork has arrived for Linux on Github but there is no associated Windows exectutable. I was not certain where else to ask so I thought I'd try here: Are there any of you with a setup exe (the gummi-w32-unstable-5.exe was the latest) that you could upload somewhere so I can get it? I've tried scouring the Internet for any of the setup exe's and can't find it, going as far as to use the WayBackMachine to try and retrieve the file.

Best Answer

You may want to try running Linux software in Windows, this page has info: Five ways to run Linux software in Windows

One of the solutions is called Cygwin and Gummi has been ported to this:

Gummi on Cygwin

I have not tried any of these as I am mainly a Linux guy.


Install a Linux disto on a USB stick, install the latex distribution on the USB stick, install Gummi. Boot your computer with the USB stick to run Linux and Gummi.

Best regards, John

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