[Tex/LaTex] Long section names in beamer document: headers and section transitions


I have long titles for mi sections in a beamer document and they take a long size of the header where I have the index. I have named them with a short name and a long name.
In both the header and the transition of each chapter they apperar the short titles, however I want the short version in the header and the long version for the transition of each section.




    % Transition with the name of the section

% For colors
% For columns

% To add enumeration index
\addtobeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}{%
    \insertframenumber / \inserttotalframenumber 


% PREAMBLE: dots for each slide of a section

\usepackage{remreset}% tiny package containing just the \@removefromreset command



% Images vertically aligned

\setbeamerfont{author}{size=\small} %Reduce the size of Authors



\author{\textbf{Author 1}}

\date{November 19, 2018}






\section[Section 1]{This is the long title for the Section 1}

\section[Section 2]{This is the long title for the Section 2}

\section[Section 3]{This is the long title for the Section 3}


Best Answer

\insertsectionhead will give you the section name as in the header. To get the long version, use \insertsection

Some comments about your code:

  • It makes no sense to use use \setbeamercovered{transparent} if you later overwrite it with \setbeamercovered{dynamic}

  • unless you specify otherwise, beamer frames are vertically centred by default, so you can remove the \vfills from your section page

  • \usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor} is already loaded by beamer

  • \usepackage{multicol} is unnecessary beamer has its own column mechanism

  • \usepackage{remreset} is obsolet

  • don't mess with formatting instructions in arguments of macros like author or title, use \setbeamerfont{title}{size=\large, series=\bfseries} and \setbeamerfont{author}{series=\bfseries} instead

  • manual spacing instructions like \vspace{5cm} don't make sense in the preamble


%\setbeamercovered{transparent} useless as it is overwritten by dynamic


% Transition with the name of the section

%\usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor} % already laoded by beamer
%\usepackage{multicol} % unnecessary
%\usepackage{remreset} % obsolet

\setbeamerfont{title}{size=\large, series=\bfseries}

%\vspace{5cm} %Makes no sense in preamble

\author{Author 1}

%\vspace{0.15cm} %Makes no sense in preamble


\section[Section 1]{This is the long title for the Section 1}
\section[Section 2]{This is the long title for the Section 2}
\section[Section 3]{This is the long title for the Section 3}


enter image description here