[Tex/LaTex] Lonely item error in bibliography .bbl file


I want to create a .bbl file with bibitems to be able to use it with bibentry package. Below is a single example how I'm doing this:


\bibitem{ABC} Author Name {\em Title} 2016.

\end{the bibliography}

In my testFile.tex file I attached the testFile.bbl file as follows:



 My citation: \cite{ABC}

However, when I run my .tex file I obtain the following error:

Lonely \item--perhaps a missing list environment. 

I checked that solution
latex error lonely item–perhaps a missing list environment in the bibliography
, but it is not working unfortunately. I'm using TexShop for Mac's, however I tried also to compile via terminal and the error was the same. Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong?

Best Answer



instead of just


fixed the Lonely \item--perhaps a missing list environment error in the auto-generated .bbl file when using the \nobibliography{testFile} option.