[Tex/LaTex] literature review table in beamer


i am trying to create something like this – a literature summary review. I am quite new to latex and struggle quite a bit with tables. How can i create something similiar to the example?

My table has 12 columns and 6 rows

enter image description here

My environment

% Choose how your presentation looks.
% For more themes, color themes and font themes, see:
% http://deic.uab.es/~iblanes/beamer_gallery/index_by_theme.html
  \usetheme{CambridgeUS}      % or try Darmstadt, Madrid, Warsaw, ...
  \usecolortheme{beaver} % or try albatross, beaver, crane, ...
  \usefonttheme{structuresmallcapsserif}  % or try serif, structurebold, ...
  \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
  \setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]


Best Answer

I agree with samcarter that the text will be to small. Nevertheless here is an example how you could do it:

\usepackage{color, colortbl}
\usepackage{array, booktabs, ragged2e}

\definecolor{lightgray}{rgb}{0.83, 0.83, 0.83}


  \usetheme{CambridgeUS}      % or try Darmstadt, Madrid, Warsaw, ...
  \usecolortheme{beaver} % or try albatross, beaver, crane, ...
  \usefonttheme{structuresmallcapsserif}  % or try serif, structurebold, ...
  \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
  \setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]





\thead{Study, Setting and \\ Sample Size} & \thead{Study Design} & \thead{Summary of Intervention} & \thead{Health System \\ Building Blocks \\ Included} & \thead{Summary of Findings} & \thead{Risk of Bias \\ Assessment} \\

Column 1 Row 1 & Column 2 Row 1 & Column 3 Row 1 & Column 4 Row 1 & Column 5 Row 1 & Column 6 Row 1 \\
Column 1 Row 2 & Column 2 Row 2 & Column 3 Row 2 & Column 4 Row 2 & Column 5 Row 2 & Column 6 Row 2 \\
Column 1 Row 3 & Column 2 Row 3 & Column 3 Row 3 & Column 4 Row 3 & Column 5 Row 3 & Column 6 Row 3 \\
Column 1 Row 4 & Column 2 Row 4 & Column 3 Row 4 & Column 4 Row 4 & Column 5 Row 4 & Column 6 Row 4 \\
doc:10.137 & &  & & & \\



This results in the following table. enter image description here

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