[Tex/LaTex] list: overfull error


I'm getting error:

Overfull \hbox (11.66551pt too wide) in paragraph


\usepackage{url} % typeset URL's reasonably
\usepackage{pslatex} % Use Postscript fonts
\usepackage[numbers, square]{natbib}

\usepackage{pst-grad} % For gradients
\usepackage{pst-plot} % For axes



\item Global Analysis Method: External resources such as dictionaries and thesaurus(e.g. WordNet) are used to add terms to the query before the search process 
\item Local Analysis Method: Information from retrieved resources is used to formulate the new query. Thus, the success of this method is is highly dependent on the precision of the first search

Best Answer

It's not an error, it's a warning that TeX could not find a good place to break the line.

In that case there was a missing space in your source (and word spaces are a good place to break) in other cases the reasons will be different. You can ignore it or fix each case (or you could try adding \sloppy which tells latex to lower its standards and use less good line breaking.

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