[Tex/LaTex] List of TeX formats


LaTeX, ConTeXt and plain are the most well known TeX formats/macro packages. But there are others, such as Lollipop. What others are out there and are any in use these days anymore?

Best Answer

Less known formats

A search in the TeX Live 2009 tree reveals:

  1. phyzzx (by Alan Spragens at SLAC)
  2. psizzl (by Arthur Ogawa)
  3. StarTeX (by Dag Langmyhr of Oslo University)
  4. TeXsis (by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige)

Arthur Ogawa is well known for his work on TeX and LaTeX: he is the current maintainer of the RevTeX class, for example. Formats 1, 2 and 4 were directed to physicists, only TeXsis was, as far as I know, rather extensively used.

StarTeX had a quite interesting approach, as its syntax is HTML-like:

<title> <startex><-->A <tex> for beginners </title> 
<author> Dag Langmyhr<p> Department of Informatics<p> 
University of Oslo<p> <tt>dag@ifi.uio.no</tt> 
<info> <today> </info> 
<h1>The notation used by <Startex></h1> 
The notation used in <startex> resembles HTML and some of the commands 
are the same, but the philosophy of the two is different. HTML was 
designed to display hypertext information on a computer screen, while 
<startex> is used to produce a student report on paper. 
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