[Tex/LaTex] Linenumbers with lineno (edtable) breaks inside threeparttable because of caption


I'm trying to show linenumbers for tables using lineno, i.e. edtable. The table is set using threeparttable and linenumbers work fine, but compilation fails when including a caption. The error message shown is you can't use \hrule here except with leaders. I use the caption package, but compilation also fails when using KOMA captions. The MWE illustrates the issue.



% That's the definition of caption@hrule from caption3.sty
% Redefine something here?
% \makeatletter
% \renewcommand*\caption@hrule{\hrule\@height\z@}
% \makeatother


\caption{A simple table}
                          & \multicolumn{1}{c}{(1)}   & \multicolumn{1}{c}{(2)}   & \multicolumn{1}{c}{(3)}   \\
Variable 1                &  1.85                     & 0.92                      & 1.11                      \\
                          & (0.34)                    & (0.24)                    & (0.14)                    \\


Best Answer

After some headaches:






\caption{A simple table}
           & \multicolumn{1}{c}{(1)} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{(2)} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{(3)} \\
Variable 1 &  1.85\tnote{1}          & 0.92                    & 1.11                    \\
           & (0.34)                  & (0.24)                  & (0.14)                  \\
\item[1] A note

  1. The edtable environment should be made known to threeparttable;

  2. however we can't pass it to the hooks, because edtable has an optional argument, so I use a "wrapper" for it;

  3. the command \resetlinenumber is not allowed in threeparttable, so I hide it in the new environment;

  4. a \@centercr emitted by edtable causes the infamous "Perhaps a missing \item" error, so I neutralize it;

  5. the \threeparttable environment is patched to made the etabular environment known to it (see this answer).

Similar patches are made for the etabular* environment that internally calls \begin{edtable}{tabular*}. One has to use \TPT@hookarg instead of \TPT@hookin, in this case, like for tabular*.

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