[Tex/LaTex] linebreak fails for long lines in list of figures


When lines becoms long and there are many ~-characters (eg for citing) latex fails to break the line in the list of figures and prints into the margin. any ideas how to "force" a break before the margin?




\caption{Long  Long  Long  Long Long  Long  Long  Long Long Long Long~Long~Long~Long/Long}

\caption{Long  Long  Long  Long Long  Long  Long  Long Long Long Long~Long~Long~Long}



Best Answer

You can add a bit of glue to allow more stretch:

enter image description here



\def\@tocrmarg{2.55em plus 3em}

\caption{Long  Long  Long  Long Long  Long  Long  Long Long Long Long~Long~Long~Long/Long}

\caption{Long  Long  Long  Long Long  Long  Long  Long Long Long Long~Long~Long~Long}

