[Tex/LaTex] Line shown behind filled rectangle made with TikZ


I need to create a TikZ style that is a filled rectangle with a line crossing it.

The problem I'm facing now is that when the rectangle is filled with a color, then the line is drawn behind the rectangle, and I need it above.

The MWE:


\usetikzlibrary{calc, shapes.geometric}

\tikzstyle{mainfig} = [
    minimum width=16mm,
    minimum height=5mm,
    text centered,
    line width=1pt,
    append after command={
        \draw [line width=2pt]
            ($(\tikzlastnode.north west)+(3mm,5mm)$)--
            ($(\tikzlastnode.south west)+(3mm,-5mm)$);


    \node (test) [mainfig] {\ldots};


This is what I get:

enter image description here

How can I force the line drawn after append after command to be drawn above the filled figure?


I've confirmed that this code doesn't work with pgf 2.10, nor with 3.0.0.

Also, I've seen that this problem is perfectly solvable using pgf 3.0.0, thanks to the answers of @PaulGessler and @PaulGaborit, but for now I should like a solution working for both versions of pgf. I hope that is not too much to ask for.

In particular, I need a working solution with pgf 2.10 support, because I will use this code in a project to be worked collaboratively, and as of now, both ShareLaTeX and writeLaTeX use that version of pgf.

If nothing new appears, I will gladly accept the most voted of those answers.

Best Answer

One method is to use layers. Declare the foreground (fg) layer with \pgfdeclarelayer{fg} and set the order of layers (bottom to top) with \pgfsetlayers{main,fg}.

Then, anywhere in a pgf-based environment, you can use

  <drawing commands>

to draw in the foreground.

A note: the shapes.geometric library is not required; rectangle is included in the base package.

The Code



\pgfdeclarelayer{fg} % declare foreground layer
\pgfsetlayers{main,fg} % set layer order

\tikzstyle{mainfig} = [
    minimum width=16mm,
    minimum height=5mm,
    text centered,
    line width=1pt,
    append after command={
          \draw [line width=2pt]
            ($(\tikzlastnode.north west)+(3mm,5mm)$)--
            ($(\tikzlastnode.south west)+(3mm,-5mm)$);


    \node (test) [mainfig] {\ldots};


The Output

enter image description here