[Tex/LaTex] Lemma without numbering


I want to use the lemma environment without numbering because I only have one lemma. If I use the package \newtheorem{lemma}{Lemma} I get "Lemma 1" in Italics and indented:

this is my lemma

And if I do


I get "Lemma" but in bold and plain font. I want the Italics, indentation, but without the number. What should I do?

Best Answer


enter image description here

Since the class used is IEEEtran, the amsthm approach I initially suggested is not the best option (IEEEtran handles theorem-like environments in its own way). In this case, since the class doesn't make provision for unnumbered structures, you can achieve the desired unnumbered structure in a consistent way simply redefining the associated counter to \unskip:

The code:

Test text
this is my lemma
Test text

Initial version (for a standard class)

If I understood your request correctly, you can use the remark style from amsthm:

enter image description here

The code:




Test lemma.

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