[Tex/LaTex] Legend in tikzpicture


I am looking for a way to create a legend in a regular tikzpicture. I found this

Using a pgfplots-style legend in a plain-old tikzpicture

but I don't know

  • how to put the legend at the wanted position and
  • how to add an entry with just a number instead of a symbol, like '1 number of ...'.

I don't need this. I just want to create easily a box where I have colored lines, colored circles/rectangles.. and colored numbers and the description next to.

Can anyone help me?

Best Answer

Here is a solution based on Using a pgfplots-style legend in a plain-old tikzpicture. There are two examples: in the first one, the descriptions in the legend are centered, while in the second one, the descriptions are left aligned.

To define numbers in the legend, I added a key number in legend:

% definition to insert numbers
\pgfkeys{/pgfplots/number in legend/.style={%
        /pgfplots/legend image code/.code={%
            \node at (0.295,0){#1};

Centered descriptions

The example:



% Code from Christian Feuersänger
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/54794/using-a-pgfplots-style-legend-in-a-plain-old-tikzpicture#54834

% argument #1: any options
    % inits/clears the lists (which might be populated from previous
    % axes):
    \csname pgfplots@init@cleared@structures\endcsname
    % draws the legend:
    \csname pgfplots@createlegend\endcsname

% makes \addlegendimage available (typically only available within an
% axis environment):
\def\addlegendimage{\csname pgfplots@addlegendimage\endcsname}


% definition to insert numbers
\pgfkeys{/pgfplots/number in legend/.style={%
        /pgfplots/legend image code/.code={%
            \node at (0.295,-0.0225){#1};

\draw (0,0)--(10,0);
\foreach \m[count=\mi] in {0.909090909,...,9.090909090}
\draw(\m,-0.1)--(\m,0.1) node[anchor=north](a\mi){};
\draw[stealth-stealth,red,opacity=0.4]($(a3)+(0,0.4)$)--($(a2)+(0,0.4)$)node[anchor=south west,xshift=0.23cm,black,opacity=1]{\small{$R$}};
\foreach \x/\xtext in {0.7/$u_1$,1.2/$u_2$,4.5/$u_3$,5.2/$u_4$,5.6/$u_5$,7.5/$u_6$}
\shade[ball color=blue]  (\x,0 ) circle (0.1cm) node[below=0.1cm]{\small{\xtext}};
% inf user
\shade[ball color=green]  (0,0 ) circle (0.1cm) node[below=0.1cm]{\small{$u_{inf}$}};

legend entries={ % <= in the following there are the entries
$R$: infection radius,
$u_i$: users,
$u_{inf}$: initial infected user, 
social space max dimension,
social space min dimension,
example of rectangle
legend style={at={(4.5,3.5)},font=\footnotesize}] % <= to define position and font legend
% the following are the "images" and numbers in the legend
    \addlegendimage{mark=ball,ball color=green,draw=white}
    \addlegendimage{number in legend=1,blue}
    \addlegendimage{number in legend=0,red}
    \addlegendimage{area legend,orange,fill=orange!20}


which gives:

enter image description here

Left aligned descriptions

The code is:



% Code from Christian Feuersänger
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/54794/using-a-pgfplots-style-legend-in-a-plain-old-tikzpicture#54834

% argument #1: any options
    % inits/clears the lists (which might be populated from previous
    % axes):
    \csname pgfplots@init@cleared@structures\endcsname
    % draws the legend:
    \csname pgfplots@createlegend\endcsname

% makes \addlegendimage available (typically only available within an
% axis environment):
\def\addlegendimage{\csname pgfplots@addlegendimage\endcsname}


% definition to insert numbers
\pgfkeys{/pgfplots/number in legend/.style={%
        /pgfplots/legend image code/.code={%
            \node at (0.125,-0.0225){#1}; % <= changed x value
every legend to name picture/.style={west}

\draw (0,0)--(10,0);
\foreach \m[count=\mi] in {0.909090909,...,9.090909090}
\draw(\m,-0.1)--(\m,0.1) node[anchor=north](a\mi){};
\draw[stealth-stealth,red,opacity=0.4]($(a3)+(0,0.4)$)--($(a2)+(0,0.4)$)node[anchor=south west,xshift=0.23cm,black,opacity=1]{\small{$R$}};
\foreach \x/\xtext in {0.7/$u_1$,1.2/$u_2$,4.5/$u_3$,5.2/$u_4$,5.6/$u_5$,7.5/$u_6$}
\shade[ball color=blue]  (\x,0 ) circle (0.1cm) node[below=0.1cm]{\small{\xtext}};
% inf user
\shade[ball color=green]  (0,0 ) circle (0.1cm) node[below=0.1cm]{\small{$u_{inf}$}};

\begin{customlegend}[legend cell align=left, %<= to align cells
legend entries={ % <= in the following there are the entries
$R$: infection radius,
$u_i$: users,
$u_{inf}$: initial infected user, 
social space max dimension,
social space min dimension,
example of rectangle
legend style={at={(4.5,3.5)},font=\footnotesize}] % <= to define position and font legend
% the following are the "images" and numbers in the legend
    \addlegendimage{mark=ball,ball color=green,draw=white}
    \addlegendimage{number in legend=1,blue}
    \addlegendimage{number in legend=0,red}
    \addlegendimage{area legend,orange,fill=orange!20}



enter image description here