[Tex/LaTex] Left-aligning URL with line breaks in bibliography

horizontal alignmentline-breakingnatbiburls

URLs break fine in my bibliography. My problem is that they are justified which creates a gap between "URL:" and the URL itself (see below). Is there a way to left align only the URL? I am using natbib.

enter image description here

Here is a minimum working example:

\documentclass[11pt, oneside]{report}




This is the references.bib file:

author = {Shaffer, David Williamson and Squire, Kurt R and Gee, James P},
journal = {Phi Delta Kappan},
pages = {104--111},
number = {2},
title = {{Video games and the future of learning}},
url = {http://website.education.wisc.edu/kdsquire/tenure-files/23-pdk-VideoGamesAndFutureOfLearning.pdf},
volume = {87},
year = {2004}

Best Answer

The url's in the bibliography are typeset with \harvardurl which is defined as

\newcommand\harvardurl[1]{\textbf{URL:} \textit{#1}}

As far as I can tell these are always preceeded by a \newline too. So one redefinition would be to box this up as a raggedright paragraph. I prefer to use the \RaggedRight command from the ragged2e package for this:

Sample output

\documentclass[11pt, oneside]{report}


\renewcommand\harvardurl[1]{\parbox{\dimexpr\textwidth-\leftmargin}{\RaggedRight\textbf{URL:} \textit{#1}\par}}





I would seriously consider replacing the \textit in the definition with \url and perhaps changing the url font in the bibliography to italics, for example as follows:

\documentclass[11pt, oneside]{report}





\cite{Shaffer2004} and a document url \url{http://tex.stackexchange.com}


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