[Tex/LaTex] Left align sidewaystable

horizontal alignmentrotatingtables

Is it possible to left align a sidewaytable to make use of the extra space at the left of it? Similar to the \LTleft\fill in longtable? I have not found a way to do this yet.

Best Answer

The sidewaystable environment is a floating (and rotated) environment, but it does not in itself provide instructions on how to typeset tabular material. For that, you need to specify a tabular, tabularx, tabular*, etc environment inside the sidewaystable environment. (In other words, the sidewaystable environment behaves exactly like the "ordinary" table environment does, except that it rotates its contents and places them on a separate page.)

For instance, to suppress the horizontal whitespace at the left and right-hand ends of a tabular environment that has four columns (the first left-justified, the remaining three centered), you should specify something like

\begin{tabular}{ @{} lccc @{} }

The @{} group tells LaTeX to suppress the horizontal whitespace.

If you're using a tabular* environment with a width equal to \textwidth, i.e., the full width of the text block, you could also specify

\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{ @{\extracolsep{\fill}} lccc }