[Tex/LaTex] latex/xelatex works from command line, but not from Kile


I installed Kile and Texlive 2011.

I wrote a very simple test document:

\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Linux Libertine}
Русский: Числовые выражения

English: Number expressions

When I run $ xelatex myfile.tex from command line it is properly compiled to pdf file.

But when I try to build it from Kile, it throws an error File xltxtra.sty not found.

How should I configure Kile or Texlive installation, so things work properly?
My OS is Ubuntu 11.10.

Best Answer

The OP installed TeX Live without automatic creation of symbolic links. In this case he must set set the path of TeX Live.

The problem is solved in the thread: tlmgr is not accessible after installing TeX Live 2011 on a Ubuntu system

You can also set the path in Kile.
Settings ==> Configure - Kile ==> LaTeX ==> General

Here a screen shot: enter image description here

Of course the first method is recommended.