[Tex/LaTex] LaTeX Stretching the x-axis of the graph


I asked this question on Reddit and they told me to come here. I'm wondering if there is a way to stretch my graph, because it is narrow horizontally.

Here is a picture:

enter image description here

            \xaxis \yaxis \xnums{1} \ynums{2}
            \ticks{1} [-0.1] \thicklines
        \caption {The graph $f(x) = x^3+3$}

The 2130.sty package: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/4b9d6f43cf1daf727334

Any help will be appreciated

Best Answer

If using another package is an option, I'd suggest you to use pgfplots to do your graphs:


every axis plot/.append style={no marks,thick},
every axis/.style={
  axis lines=middle,


  \addplot+[domain=-2:2] {(x*x*x)+3};
\caption{the graph of $f(x)=x^{3}+3$}


enter image description here

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