[Tex/LaTex] LaTeX pushes the cell off the bottom of the page


I have a problem with too long text in one cell.

Text in cell is autocreated, and I cannot know previously how long will be it. When text is too long LaTeX pushes the cell off the bottom of the page.

Is the some way to teach LaTeX automatically to transfer text on the next page (not out of page)? Maybe you can offer some package that can fix my problem.

For table creating I use longtable.

enter image description here

Some example:

Text & Steps \\ \hline
  & 1.step \newline
    2.step \newline
    3.step \newline
    4.step \newline
    5.step \newline
    6.step \newline
    7.step \newline
    ................. \newline
    57.step \newline
    58.step \newline
    59.step \newline
    60.step \newline
    61.step \newline
    62.step \newline
    63.step \newline
    64.step \newline
    65.step \newline
    66.step \newline
    67.step \\ \hline

One more example:

\begin{longtable}{|p{3.2cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1.3cm}|} \hline
\textit{\textbf{\normalsize{Description:}}}     & \multicolumn{3}{p{7.5cm}|} {Some description of Table} \\ \hline
\textit{\textbf{\normalsize{Steps:}}} & \multicolumn{3}{p{7.5cm}|} {
1. step  \newline
2. step  \newline
3. step  \newline
4. step  \newline
5. step  \newline
6. step  \newline
7. step  \newline
......   \newline
63. step \newline
64. step \newline
65. step \newline
66. step \newline
67. step 
} \\  \hline
\textit{\textbf{\normalsize{Remarks:}}}         & \multicolumn{3}{p{7.5cm}|} {---} \\                     \hline
\textit{\textbf{\normalsize{Date:}}}     & \multicolumn{3}{p{7.5cm}|} {2012/10/23} \\                     \hline
\parbox[c]{\textwidth}{\textit{\textbf{\normalsize{Approval}}}}   & \normalsize{\parbox[c]{\textwidth}{+}} & \normalsize{\parbox[c]{\textwidth}{+}} & \normalsize{\parbox[c]{\textwidth}{\textbf{-}}} \\   \hline

one more example

Best Answer

Cells of tables are not breakable across pages. Perhaps you can teach the autocreation process to make single cells instead:

Text & Steps \\ \hline
  & 1.step \tabularnewline
  & 2.step \tabularnewline
  & 3.step \tabularnewline
  & 4.step \tabularnewline
  & 5.step \tabularnewline
  & 6.step \tabularnewline
  & 7.step \tabularnewline
  & ................. \tabularnewline
  & 57.step \tabularnewline
  & 58.step \tabularnewline
  & 59.step \tabularnewline
  & 60.step \tabularnewline
  & 61.step \tabularnewline
  & 62.step \tabularnewline
  & 63.step \tabularnewline
  & 64.step \tabularnewline
  & 65.step \tabularnewline
  & 66.step \tabularnewline
  & 67.step \\ \hline


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