[Tex/LaTex] LaTeX font for 18th century English


I am busy typesetting a book for guntenberg.org and I would like to keep as far as possible close to the original style. The book was written in 1787. Here is an extract.

scan from the book

Is there a similar font for LaTeX? I would particularly like to retain the ligatures and the long s i.e., "ſ" used as 's'.

Best Answer

One thing you could try would be the "Day Roman S" font, which seems to be preconfigured to insert the long (f-like) s in the proper spots. Link: http://www.tug.dk/FontCatalogue/dayroms/

Another avenue is to use XeLaTeX and the fontspec package, which provides an easy way to turn on uncommon/historical ligatures. You then need a font that supports these ligatures -- the free Linux Libertine (to give just one example) does, but perhaps without support for the long s. Fontspec only works with OpenType fonts, and I don't think Day Roman S is available in that format, so these two possible answers are mutually incompatible. But try them both and see which works for you.