[Tex/LaTex] LaTeX editor capable of synctexing a live preview from an included or inputted or subfiled chapter02.tex


As a beginner… I thought I had settled for the distraction-free Gummi; but now I'm unsure, as I gather it's not so great for larger, modularized documents, such as writing a thesis:

Gummi's live preview works great, as long as I'm working on a single main.tex, but not in the modular writing case, when I'm editing, say, chapter02.tex. What makes matters worse is that switching tabs resets the position of the preview.

Is there a LaTeX editor capable of synctexing a live preview when editing an

  • included,
  • inputted – or –
  • subfiled

chapter02.tex document?

Best Answer

Edit: This does not produce a live preview, but does work with synctex on build.

Sublime Text 2 is a cross-platform text editor with support for plugins, one of which is LaTeXTools--you'll see the setup instructions there. ST2 is free to evaluate and see if it works for you. Synctex works as you describe after setting it up in Sumatra.

LaTeXTools supports modularised files by inserting the following comment at the top of modular files. You can see in my example relative directories are supported.

%!TEX root = ../main.tex