[Tex/LaTex] Language rules for table, figure captions


In the following code


Dažādu I tipa pusvadītāju kritiskā temperatūra dota \ref{Tab:Tcr}. tabulā:

  \begin{tabular}{l l}
    materiāls              & T [K]\\
    Sn                     & 3,7 \\
    Pb                     & 7,2 \\
    Al                     & 1,2\\
  \caption{``Pusvadītāju kritiskā temperatūra''}



with the command \renewcommand{\tablename}{Tabula}I renamed "Table" by "Tabula", in this case to accommodate to the Latvian language.

The output is here:
enter image description here

I still would need to change "Tabula 1" to "1. tabula" ("2. tabula" … "10. tabula") to accommodate to the Latvian language better.

How to achieve this?

Best Answer

Use \usepackage[latvian]{babel}. This should rename your table caption to "1. tabula: ...". So you don't have to try to rename it yourself, and can leave out the \renewcommand{\tablename}{Tabula}.

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