[Tex/LaTex] Landscape with longtable


enter image description here

I am trying to construct a table with longscape, like the one shown in the image (with columns defined a bit differently), but I seem to have done something wrong with the code. Any help is appreciated!


\usepackage{array,booktabs, makecell, multirow}

%Widows & Orphans & Penalties

\exhyphenpenalty=50 %for line-breaking at an explicit hyphen
\floatingpenalty = 20000

\begin{longtable}[ht]{ l*{7}{S[table-format=2.3]}}
\caption{OLS results}
\label{tab:OLS1}                                                             \\
\thead[b]{Dependent variable\\ log hourly wages}               \\
        & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Female}
            &  \multicolumn{2}{c}{Pooled}
    & {coeff} & {SE} & {coeff} & {SE} & {coeff} & {SE}       \\
\hdashline                                                               \\

\caption{OLS results}                 \\
\thead[b]{Dependent variable\\ log hourly wages}               \\
 &  \multicolumn{2}{c}{Male}
        & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Female}
            &  \multicolumn{2}{c}{Pooled}
    & {coeff} & {SE} & {coeff} & {SE} & {coeff} & {SE}       \\
    \midrule                                                                \\
\multicolumn{7}{r}{\footnotesize\textit{Continue on the next page}}

Panel A: 2010-11 \\
{Constant} & 2.162624 & 0.0623814 & 1.847009 & 0.2195808 & 1.891113 & 0.0616229 \\
{Experience} & 0.0293973 & 0.0018267 & 0.0436007 & 0.0044678 & 0.0337108 & 0.0017411 \\
{Experience Square} & -0.0003169 & 0.0000336 & -0.0004819 & 0.0000801 & -0.0003634 & 0.0000319 \\
%further rows omitted 



Best Answer

I suppose it's something like this you want. The numbers format did not correspond to you actual numbers: 2.3 means 2 digits before the decimal dot and 3 decimal digits. You have 1 before the dot (and sometimes a minus sign) and 6 or 7 after:

\usepackage[margin=0.5in, a4paper]{geometry}

\usepackage{array,booktabs, makecell, multirow}

%Widows & Orphans & Penalties

\exhyphenpenalty=50 %for line-breaking at an explicit hyphen
\floatingpenalty = 20000


  \begin{longtable}{ l*{7}{S[table-format=-1.7, table-alignment=center]}}
    \caption{OLS results}
    \label{tab:OLS1} \\
    \thead[b]{Dependent variable \\ log hourly wages}
                        & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Male}
                        & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Female}
                        & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Pooled} \\
                        & {coeff} & {SE} & {coeff} & {SE} & {coeff} & {SE} \\
    \hdashline \\

    \caption{OLS results} \\
    \thead[b]{Dependent variable \\ log hourly wages} \\
                        & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Male}
                        & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Female}
                        & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Pooled} \\
                        & {coeff} & {SE} & {coeff} & {SE} & {coeff} & {SE} \\
    \midrule \\
    \multicolumn{7}{r}{\footnotesize\textit{Continue on the next page}}
    Panel A: 2010-11 \\
    {Constant} & 2.162624 & 0.0623814 & 1.847009 & 0.2195808 & 1.891113 & 0.0616229 \\
    {Experience} & 0.0293973 & 0.0018267 & 0.0436007 & 0.0044678 & 0.0337108 & 0.0017411 \\
    {Experience Square} & -0.0003169 & 0.0000336 & -0.0004819 & 0.0000801 & -0.0003634 & 0.0000319
    %further rows omitted


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