[Tex/LaTex] Ladder diagrams using Tikz


 a ladder diagram

This is a ladder diagram I need help in drawing it using Tikz, please help me.

Best Answer

You can use a \foreach loop like this:


  \node(h-0)[below right=1cm of g-0]{$h_{j_0}$};
  \foreach \i [count=\j from 0]in {1,...,3}{
    \node [right=2cm of g-\j](g-\i){$G_{i_\i}$}; 
    \node [right=2cm of h-\j](h-\i){$H_{j_\i}$};
    \node [right=2cm of g-\j](g-\i){$G_{i_\i} \dots$}; 
    \node [right=2cm of h-\j](h-\i){$\dots$};
  \path (g-\j) edge[<-,"$\lambda_{i_\j i_\i}$"] (g-\i) edge[<-] (h-\j);
  \path (h-\j) edge[<-] (g-\i) edge[<-,"$\mu_{j_\j j_\i}$"] (h-\i);


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