[Tex/LaTex] KOMAoptions{headsepline = true, footsepline = true} change geometry settings


I am using tex(-based techniques) for the first time. Currently I am writing my doctoral thesis via pdflatex and encounter an annoying problem:

My university predetermines very strict page geometry properties and I was able to implement them via the geometry package. So far so good. I'm using KOMA-script class scrbook and when I add header- and footerseplines (for decorative purposes), the geometry is dramatically changed. I used the layout package to show the layout and its values.

The head-/footseplines are optional, so I could just remove them, but maybe somebody knows how to fix this problem? I would really appreciate it. Thank you!

Below is my minimal working example:

\documentclass[12pt, BCOR=0mm, oneside, headings=small, openany, listof=totoc, bibliography=totoc, captions=tableheading]{scrbook}
%Fonts % Babel
%Lipsum for dummy text
%Layout package for page layout
%geometry package
\usepackage[ paper=a4paper, layout=a4paper, top=25mm, bottom=20mm, left=30mm, right=30mm, marginparsep=5mm, marginparwidth=20mm, head=12.5mm, foot=12.5mm pdftex]{geometry}
%Adding headsep- and footsepline makes trouble
\KOMAoptions{headsepline = true, footsepline = true}
%Begin document
%Dummy text
%Show layout
%End document

Best Answer

There was a bug regarding the option footsepline in KOMA-Script version 3.12 and 3.13, see www.komascript.de/release3.13 (German). Update your KOMA-Script to version 3.15.

If that is not possible - for example Overleaf still uses version 3.12 - change the order in your preambel to

%Adding headsep- and footsepline makes trouble
\KOMAoptions{headsepline = true, footsepline = true}

%geometry package
\usepackage[ paper=a4paper, layout=a4paper, top=25mm, bottom=20mm, left=30mm, right=30mm, marginparsep=5mm, marginparwidth=20mm, head=12.5mm, foot=12.5mm]{geometry}

Or use headsepline and footsepline as class options


Note, there is a command \KOMAScriptVersion to print the used version number in the document.

Additionally there is a missing comma between the geometry options foot=12.5mm and pdftex in your MWE. Note, that you can remove pdftex because this option is not needed anyway.