[Tex/LaTex] KOMA-Script: Use scrheadings on chapterpage, but only the footer (not the header)


I'm using the KOMA-Script and have page-numbers at the bottom of my document. The headline contains the chapter/section-name.
By default, the chapterpagestyle is plain (or empty). So I set it to "scrheadings", because I want the page numbers at the bottom of a chapter-page. But now I also get the headsepline on the chapter-page, which is not very beautiful.

This is my code so far:


% Head
\rohead{\raisebox{0.15em}{\textnormal \headmark}}
\rehead{\raisebox{0.15em}{\textnormal \headmark}}
% Foot
\cfoot{\raisebox{-0.5em}{ -- \, \textnormal{Page \thepage} \, --}}

% This is the line I want to modify:

% just for MWE

    \chapter{Something else}

I commented the line which I assume has to be changed, but I did not figure out how…

Best Answer

The command \cfoot has an optional argument which specifies the plain style which is used for chapter pages. So you can simple do:

\cfoot[\raisebox{-0.5em}{ -- \, \textnormal{Page \thepage} \, --}]{\raisebox{-0.5em}{ -- \, \textnormal{Page \thepage} \, --}}

Here your modified mwe:


% Head
\rohead{\raisebox{0.15em}{\textnormal \headmark}}
\rehead{\raisebox{0.15em}{\textnormal \headmark}}
% Foot
\cfoot[\raisebox{-0.5em}{ -- \, \textnormal{Page \thepage} \, --}]{\raisebox{-0.5em}{ -- \, \textnormal{Page \thepage} \, --}}

% This is the line I want to modify:

% just for MWE

    \chapter{Something else}