[Tex/LaTex] KOMA-Script scrbook: How to remove period after part


I'm using scrbook to typeset a document and I'm using \part for formatting the parts of it.

The default output renders \part{Mytitle} into

Part I.


Now I'd like to get rid of the period after "Part I." In the KOMA-Script guide I have only found options to generally switch off punctuation after every part, chapter, section etc.

So I tried \renewcommand{\thepart}{\Roman{part}} but this strangely still puts a period after the roman number. However, \renewcommand{\thepart}{\arabic{part}} and \renewcommand{\thepart}{\arabic{part}.} produce the expected difference.

So what is so special with roman numbering here?

Best Answer

There is not automatic solution to this, but it is not hard to redefine the format of the part headings. The default is


you just need to redefine this removing the \autodot.

Part sample

Chapter/section sample



\part{My part}
\chapter{My chapter}
\section{My section}
\part{My part}
\chapter{My chapter}
\section{My section}