[Tex/LaTex] Keep theorem content on the same page


Currently my preamble looks like



\title{Linear Algebra \\ Lecture Summary}



I'd like it so when I write a theorem/lemma/remark/corollary it doesn't get split across pages.

I've searched for answers a few times, but I haven't got a lot of experience with TeX, and just copying and pasting what I see doesn't quite cut it.

Best Answer

The macro \blocktheorem{<theorem>} turns <theorem> into an unbreakable block by wrapping it inside a minipage:

enter image description here

\usepackage[nopar]{lipsum}% Just for this example
\usepackage[margin=1in,paper=a5paper]{geometry}% Just for this example


  \csletcs{old#1}{#1}% Store \begin
  \csletcs{endold#1}{end#1}% Store \end


\blocktheorem{theo}% Make theo into a block
\blocktheorem{defi}% Make defi into a block
\blocktheorem{lem}% Make lem into a block
\blocktheorem{rem}% Make rem into a block
\blocktheorem{col}% Make col into a block












\raggedbottom helps with avoid underfull \vboxes due to the boxes being flushed to a successive page.