[Tex/LaTex] Justify text in memoir class margintable environment

horizontal alignmentmarginparmemoir

In page 181 of texdoc memoir,

The marginfigure and margintable environments can of course be adjusted using \setfloatadjustment, default


The default alignment is \centering. I want to justify the text of a margintable. But I don't know what the command for explicit justification, so I tried the following


Of course that is only flushed to the left, with a ragged right edge. How do I justify the text inside a margintable environment of the memoir class?

Best Answer

Use the ragged2e package and its \justifying macro.

EDIT: I should have guessed that memoir provides its own macro for the task: \flushleftright.


% Variant A
% \usepackage{ragged2e}
% \setfloatadjustment{marginfigure}{\justifying}

% Variant B






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