[Tex/LaTex] Journal Header and Footer


I am using standart article document and I want to form a template as in the shown figure. How can I do it? Thank you.

Edit. I have formed the following but here the title page appears on the second new page.
I would be also very glad if you can help me replacing \hspace{-6.5mm} with a better alternative.



\AtBeginDocument{{\noindent\small Journal Name\\
Vol. \textbf{X} (year), No. X, pp. XXX--XXX.}}

\AtEndDocument{{\noindent\small Author 1: Address 1.\\
E-mail: author1@.xxx.yyy\\
Author 2: Address 2.\\
E-mail: author2@.xxx.yyy}}

\title{Article Title}
\author{Author 1 and Author 2}


\blfootnote{\hspace{-6.5mm}Received Date 1 and in revised form Date 2.\\
AMS Subject Classification: Cls 1, Cls 2.\\
Key words and phrases: Keyword 1, keyword 2.}





enter image description here

Best Answer


  \def\@oddhead{\vbox to\z@{\kern-\topmargin\kern-.5in
          Journal Name\\
          Vol.~\textbf{X} (year), No.~X, pp.~XXX--XXX.


    \textit{AMS classification:} \@AMSclass.\par
    \textit{Keywords and phrases:} \@keywords.\par

\title{Article Title\thanks{%
    Received Date 1 and in revised form Date 2.}}

\author{Author 1 and Author 2}

\AMSclass{Cls 1, Cls 2}
\keywords{Keyword 1, keyword 2}



