[Tex/LaTex] Itemizing theorem body


Using package amsthm, the desired theorem style achieved,



This is a normal body text.

enter image description here

But itemizing the body makes trouble,



        \item This an itemized body text.
        \item This an itemized body text.

enter image description here

As the last output shows, first item has jumped to the head line.

How can I bring it back to the body?

Best Answer

Here is a solution with enumitem. One can define a thmitemise clone, which incorporates by default the given setup, to avoid having to type it each time it is used:

\usepackage{amsthm} \newtheoremstyle{mystyle}{}{}{}{}{\bf}{}{\newline}{}
\usepackage{enumitem, showframe}


    \begin{itemize}[wide=0.5em, leftmargin =*, nosep, before = \leavevmode\vspace{-\baselineskip}]
        \item This an itemized body text.
        \item This an itemized body text.

enter image description here