[Tex/LaTex] Itemise within a caption doesn’t work


I've been trying to figure this out, but while I did find another thread with the same problem, I didn't understand what they specifically did to solve it. So I'm using the package


And want to have the following figure with a caption:


   \item blue: $0.1 - 0.36$
   \item green: $0.36 - 0.98$
   \item red: $0.98 - 3.5$
   \item purple: $3.5 +$

  text2 }

And it gives me this error:

! Argument of \@caption has an extra }.

The other solution did something, but I couldn't figure out what, since they were using "foo" "bar" instead of real commands.

UPDATE: with the proposed solution below


      \item blue: 0.1 -- 0.36
      \item green: 0.36 -- 0.98
      \item red: 0.98 -- 3.5
      \item purple: 3.5 +


I now get error ! LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item.

Can anyone else try it and see if they get the same error?

Best Answer

Note that the caption is a floating argument, and they are fragile. With singlelinecheck=off there is some safety, but you should supply a non-paragraph caption as the floating argument:

enter image description here





      \item blue: 0.1 -- 0.36
      \item green: 0.36 -- 0.98
      \item red: 0.98 -- 3.5
      \item purple: 3.5 +



Note the use of the optional argument that doesn't contain any paragraphs. It's currently blank, which doesn't matter if you're not using \listoffigures.

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