[Tex/LaTex] Is it possible to set per-mode for math and displaymath environment separately in siunitx


I would like to globally define the per-mode of siunitx for math environment and displaymath environment separately. Is this somehow possible?

Here is a MWE:



This is an inline equation: $a = \SI{10}{\meter\per\second\squared}$, to show inline behaviour.

And this is the same equation in displaymath environment:
a = \SI{10}{\meter\per\second\squared}


This produces:
enter image description here

What I would love to do is something like this:



This is an inline equation: $a = \SI{10}{\meter\per\second\squared}$, to show inline behaviour.

And this is the same equation in displaymath environment:
a = \SI{10}{\meter\per\second\squared}


Which then should produce the following output:
enter image description here

Best Answer

As Joseph Wright pointed out: The solution here is to use \sisetup{per-mode=symbol-or-fraction} as described in the siunitx manual:

Finally, it is possible for the behaviour of the \per function to depend on the prevailing math style. Setting per-mode to symbol-or-fraction will use the symbol setting for in line math, and the fraction setting when used in \displaystyle math.

So for a MWE:



This is an inline equation: $a = \SI{10}{\meter\per\second\squared}$, to show inline behaviour.

And this is the same equation in displaymath environment:
a = \SI{10}{\meter\per\second\squared}


Which works as expected: enter image description here