[Tex/LaTex] Is it possible to put Kile’s Live preview in separate window


As in the title. I have two monitors, and I'd like to have the live preview on the secondary one, while the rest of the Kile on the main one.

I could use Ocular, but it doesn't always auto-update the view, for some reason.

Best Answer

If you use Kile 3 beta (here I use 2.9.60) -- the one with live update of the .pdf I mean, then it is easily done:

under Kile >> settings >> configure Kile >> Appearance you have a 'Document Viewer' setting and you can tick 'show in external window' -> problem solved.

For older versions of kile I cannot be sure -- but you do not have live preview on those, so I suppose you are on the same verison as me.

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