[Tex/LaTex] Is Dropbox an effective tool for version control of latex documents


Sorry this question might seem a bit premature but I'm in a hurry… I was trying to do Version control of a latex project with dropbox. In my imagination Dropbox provides functions like showing which specific textlines have been changed or automatically merging files. Unfortunately I can't find any of those functions. Is recovering old files really everything Dropbox can provide? Which program do I need for accomplishing what I want?

Best Answer

Disclaimer This was meant to be a comment, but it is too long...

No, Dropbox does not provide (AFAIK) the diff feature. It stores old versions of the files, and allows you to restore any of them (with a time limit for free accounts), but it cannot show you the differences between versions.

If you do have experience with distributed control version systems such as git or mercurial I propose the following setup:

  1. Create a folder in Dropbox to store your project. Create also a git or mercurial repository in that folder. Share the folder with the other person.
  2. Tell the other person never delete the .git (or .hg) directory! :-)
  3. Periodically, do a hg status or git status to see what the other person changed. You can also use graphical diff tools to see the individual lines
  4. Do yourself the commits (if you want, you can use git --author to specify the other person name when commiting changes made by the other. I don't know the equivalent option for mercurial)
  5. Good luck!
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