[Tex/LaTex] Interior product (contraction) symbol


Interior multiplication from John Lee's Smooth Manifolds

See the above excerpt from John Lee's Introduction to Smooth Manifolds. In differential topology and linear algebra, there's an operator called the interior product or contraction operator, denoted $\iota_X(\omega)$ or alternatively with some other "half box" like operator $X_|\omega$. Does anyone know how to markup that operator in LaTeX?

Google has turned up nothing except for this thread: Symbol for contraction / interior product?

That thread did receive an accepted answer, which was \invneg from the MnSymbol package, but the suggestion given there does not seem correct to me. Or at least, it does not match what I'm familiar with. That answer results in an inverted negation symbol, whereas the contraction operator should have a stroke down at the floor of the line, and a long stroke going up almost the full height of the line. It can be found in many texts, but why can I not find the correct LaTeX markup?

Best Answer

I stumbled upon the correct markup used in Wikipedia's article on geometric algebra. I looked at the code and found the symbol is given by \lrcorner. \llcorner is the same thing but flipped horizontally.