[Tex/LaTex] Installing pdfcrop command-line tool on Mac


I would like to do some PDF cropping at the command line. I've installed BasicTeX and the TeX Live Utility:

brew cask install basictex
brew cask install tex-live-utility

I then opened up the TeX Live Utility and used it to install the pdfcrop and texlive-scripts-extra packages:

enter image description here

However, I don't see a pdfcrop in my PATH anywhere.

Is there something else I need to install, or is pdfcrop already installed somewhere I haven't noticed?

Best Answer

I found pdfcrop installed in /Library/TeX/texbin.

Apparently the BasicTeX installer changes the user's path (actually, for all users of the system) by putting an entry in the /etc/paths.d directory:

% cat /etc/paths.d/TeX         

There was no indication during installation that my PATH was being modified, so I assumed it wasn't. But after opening a new login shell, the new path entry from /etc/paths.d/TeX is seen, and now pdfcrop (and lots of other stuff in /Library/TeX/texbin) is available.