[Tex/LaTex] Installing MinionPro fonts on Ubuntu 10.04 running TexLive 2012


I followed the instructions to install MinionPro fonts from this website.

However, when I tried to run the tex file at the bottom, I have this error message:

! LaTeX Error: File `MinionPro.sty' not found.

Running the command kpsewhich MinionPro.sty gives the following output:


So the system knows where MinionPro.sty is, so why can't the file compile?

Best Answer

If you don't need the math font, there's a much easier way to use MinionPro with LaTeX:

  • Install Acrobat Reader (the acroread package on Ubuntu);
  • Copy the OTF fonts: sudo cp /opt/Adobe/Reader9/Resource/Font/*.otf /usr/local/share/fonts/;
  • Use fontspec with XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX to make use of the fonts.