Cygwin – How to Install Packages on Cygwin


I use latex for cygwin, installed by the cygwin setup GUI. How can I install other missing package? For example i haven't tikz… I've to manually install it or there is a better solution?

Best Answer

If you want LATEX in Cygwin so you can use Bash Script and commands line you may choose to install a complete version of for example Miktex and Texniccenter in Windows and then create a symbolic link to the .exe files you need to compile (e.g. latex.exe, pdflatex.exe, ...) your .tex file from Cygwin Bash shell:

ln -s 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin\x64\latex.exe'  /usr/local/bin/latex
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