[Tex/LaTex] Insertion of blank pages in Thesis using document class Thesis


I am writing my thesis and want to insert blank pages after Declaration, Abstract, Acknowledgments, etc. and also after each chapter so that the next chapter/ section starts from odd-numbered page. I am using Thesis document class. Is there any one to help me? Thanks.

Best Answer

Thesis.cls uses vmargin to configure the page dimensions so you should use this interface if you wish to alter those dimensions. Otherwise, you are likely to get inconsistent and undesired results.

The command used by Thesis is:

\setmarginsrb {1.5in} % left margin
              {0.6in} % top margin
              {1in} % right margin
              {0.8in} % bottom margin
              {20pt} % head height
              {0.25in} % head sep
              {9pt} % foot height
              {0.3in} % foot sep

which obviously sets a wider left (inner) margin than right (outer) margin:

default margins

The idea here is that once an allowance has been made for binding, the amount of white space in the middle of a double-page spread should be equal to that at each outer edge.

That may be good typography but it has no place in the formatting guidelines of your institution. (Good typography is alien to most such guidelines.)

If you want inner and outer margins of 36mm, try this:

\setmarginsrb {36mm} % left margin
              {0.6in} % top margin
              {36mm} % right margin
              {0.8in} % bottom margin
              {20pt} % head height
              {0.25in} % head sep
              {9pt} % foot height
              {0.3in} % foot sep

adjusted margins